Technology Developer and Engineering Advisor | +52 3311380117
Professional developer with traditional and innovative data management algorithms, involving data science collection and information retrieval/processing.
Jul 2017 - Present
Published in: Current Bioinformatics
DOI: 10.2174/1574893613666180130143055
A robust guide tree for multiple sequence alignment of proteins...
Published in: Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología
DOI: Link
Mathematical models for controlling vehicle behaviors in virtual environments...
Published in: ResearchGate
DOI: Link
Design of a flexible interconnection between embedded and external serial devices...
Technologies: C#, CUDA, C++
Details: Developed during PhD at Universidad de Guadalajara...
Technologies: VHDL, VB, JAVA
Details: Developed a softcore for FPGAs...
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, WEB APIs
Details: Developed various bots including @TradingAlert_bot...